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Beca James Dallas

La Junta General de la Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda ofrece una beca anualmente a aquellos del Reino Unido e Irlanda que califiquen para asistir a Harvest Bible College. Esta beca se otorga a un estudiante por año escolar. La beca es en honor del Rev. James Dallas, el difunto Superintendente General de la Iglesia Pentecostal Unida de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda. La Beca James Dallas cubre la mitad del costo de la matrícula, el alojamiento y la comida. Para calificar para esta beca, se debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos establecidos por la Junta General:


1. Los solicitantes deben tener la aprobación por escrito de su pastor para asistir a la universidad.


2. Los solicitantes deben presentar un resumen de su participación y ministerio actual en la iglesia.


3. El solicitante debe escribir una carta a la Junta General expresando por qué desea asistir a Harvest Bible College y cómo cree que la escuela mejorará su futuro ministerio.


4. Se debe presentar un ensayo que explique el plan bíblico de salvación.


5. Se debe enviar una foto tuya.


Envíe su solicitud por correo electrónico antes del 1 de junio junto con los elementos requeridos enumerados anteriormente a:

Other Scholarships

We occasionally are able to award more than one student a scholarship through private scholarships that become available each year. If you would like to be considered for any available scholarship, submit your application through the same steps listed above (James Dallas Scholarship). 

Important Scholarship Info

* Completion of application by 1 June, including references.

* Scholarship funds will be applied to the second half of a student’s fees for the year.


* Placement on disciplinary probation may be grounds for forfeiting tuition discounts.

* If a student withdraws from the College before the completion of the school year, the full amount of the tuition discount for that academic year is forfeited.


* Failure to obtain an approved Leave of Absence before withdrawing from the College terminates the student’s eligibility to renew tuition discounts.

* Accounts from previous semesters must be paid in full to receive a tuition discount.


* Once you have submitted a completed application by the deadline of 1 June, the Scholarship Committee will review each applicant. The Scholarship Committee will make their recommendation for who should receive scholarship monies. HBC will notify each recipient that is awarded a scholarship. If no communication is received, you should assume that you did not receive a scholarship.

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